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For the Pennsylvania Chapter of the

American Dance Therapy Association, Inc.


1: Organization | 2: Purpose | 3: Membership | 4: Government |5: Election of Officers | 6: Officers | 7: Finance | 8: Rules of Order | 9: Amendments | 10: Dissolution





Section 1 The organization shall be called the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Dance Therapy Association, Inc.


Section 2 The Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Dance Therapy Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “chapter”) shall be a subordinate unit of the American Dance Therapy Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”) subject to the general authority and jurisdiction of the Association.


Section 3 The principal office of the Chapter shall be located at the business office of the Association. However, the Chapter may establish and maintain such other offices within the geographical area of the Chapter.


Section 4 The Chapter shall be governed by these By-laws, amended from time to time as provided herein. The By-laws shall not conflict with the Articles of Incorporation of the By-laws of the Association.


Section 5 The Chapter shall function in conformity with the Articles of Incorporation of the Association and its By-laws.


Section 6 The Chapter shall maintain ongoing communication with the national office of the Association. The Chapter shall consider carefully the appropriateness of planned activities and workshops. The Chapter shall identify any public stand it may take on controversial issues as the position of the Chapter only and not of the Association or its membership.





The purpose and aim of the Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Dance Therapy Association, Inc, shall be to support and maintain high standards of the professional competence among dance/movement therapists, by a) promoting the education and training of dance/movement therapists, b) serving as a communication liaison between the Association and the membership and c) advocating on behalf of the field and membership at the levels of licensure and government affairs. The Chapter will also endeavor to provide avenues of communication among dance/movement therapists and those persons working in related fields and to increase the general public’s awareness of dance/movement therapy.





Section 1 All members of the Chapter must also be members of the Association. A minimum of eight professional members of the Association shall constitute a Chapter. Dues will be in accordance with the national By-laws.


Section 2 Any member of the Association may become a member of the Chapter. Chapter voting privileges are granted (i.e. election of officers, By-laws amendments and other Chapter decisions) by paying annually in advance the requisite Chapter membership fee. The Chapter membership fee shall be in addition to the annual dues for the appropriate membership level in the Association.


Section 3 Any Associate member of the American Dance Therapy Association may 3 become an Associate member of the Chapter with all the privileges of membership except voting privileges with the respect to By-laws amendments and election of national Directors, by paying annually in advance the requisite membership fee. The Chapter membership fee shall be in addition to the annual dues for Associate membership in the Association.


Section 4 Any Student member of the American Dance Therapy Association may become a Student member of the Chapter with all the privileges of membership except voting privileges by paying annually in advance the requisite membership fee. The Chapter membership fee shall be in addition to the annual dues for Student membership in the Association.





Section 1 There shall be a minimum of one annual business meeting for all members of the Chapter for the purpose of presenting elected officers, committee reports and transacting the regular business of the Chapter.


Section 2 Members will be notified of the annual business meeting in advance.


Section 3 A majority of the elected officers plus delegates from the membership shall constitute a quorum for the annual business meeting.


Section 4 Membership may communicate concerns directly to the board members via email as they see fit.


Section 5 The elected officers shall initiate and transact all business necessary for the administration of the Chapter including the approval of the annual budget of the Chapter. This business shall be transacted during a minimum of four Executive 4 Board meetings during the year.





Section 1 A Nominating Committee composed of at least two persons shall be formed not less than 3 months prior to the installation of new officers. In the event that there are no official nominating officers on the chapter board, nominations and elections will be facilitated by the Secretary and the Vice President.


Section 2 The Nominating Committee shall a) prepare a slate of officers to be presented to the general membership, b) accept additional nominations from the membership, c) prepare and distribute ballots to all voting members, and d) count the ballots and notify candidates of the results of the election prior to reporting such results to the membership. The Nominating Committee will notify the membership of the results and introduce new officers at the next business meeting of membership.


Section 3 No person shall hold more than one elected office at the same time nor shall any person be a final slate candidate for more than one elected office during election meetings.


Section 4 Individuals nominated for office must be professional members of the Association.


Section 5 Official nominating ballots will be distributed in March of the year, voting will occur in May and the announcement of new officers will occur in June. General nominations will occur throughout the year to be considered during the official elections or for appointed positions.





Section 1 The elected officers of the Chapter shall consist of a President, a Secretary, a Treasurer and a Program Coordinator and shall be referred to as the Executive Committee of the Board of Directors. Standing committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee as necessary. Other positions desired, that may be voted on or appointed by the Executive Committee, include: Vice President, Government Affairs Liaison, Public Relations Coordinator (website, newsletter and PR), Multicultural and Diversity Committee Liaison(s) and Nominating Committee. In addition there will be a student representative from Drexel University.


Section 2 Terms of officers shall be two years. Officers may not hold a position for more than two consecutive terms. An officer can be re-elected to a different position after serving two terms in one position. To serve as President the member will have served in one other capacity on the PA Chapter board. In the event that there are no current board members who want to serve as the PA Chapter board president then an individual who has served on a board or committee for the ADTA will be considered for the office of president.


Section 3 The President or designee shall preside at all meetings of the Chapter. They shall coordinate all business of the Chapter and be responsible for the agenda of the business meetings. They shall appoint chairpersons of special committees and be an ex-officio member of all committees. They shall coordinate work of all committees. They shall be responsible to the Board of Directors of the Association.


Section 4 The Program Coordinator shall oversee the development of Chapter programs, manage registration, seek co-sponsorship/vending display opportunities and shall have such other duties as assigned by the President.


Section 5 The Treasurer shall regularly review and maintain records pertaining to Chapter finances (membership fees, program registration, expenses, etc.), maintain a local bank account, record income and disbursement according to a standardized bookkeeping procedure. The Treasurer shall sign all Chapter checks. They shall assist in preparation of the annual budget and make quarterly reports during Board meetings and membership meetings. They shall submit reports and copies of the annual budget to the Member at Large or national Treasurer as the Association requires. They shall perform all duties usually assigned to the office of treasurer.


Section 6 The Secretary shall keep record of the proceedings of the Chapter and Chapter Executive Committee meetings. They shall be responsible for seeing that notification be made of all meetings, both for the Board and chapter members. They shall maintain a membership roster, write and maintain records regarding chapter correspondence, serve as chapter archivist and perform all duties usually assigned to the office of secretary.


Section 7 The Government Affairs Liaison shall be a resource regarding Pennsylvania legislation and regulations affecting dance/movement therapy, third party payments, and coordinating efforts of Pennsylvania state requirement matters. They will work with the National GAC Chairperson on matters of legislative advocacy to ensure that Association standards and policies relative to these matters are adhered to at all times.


Section 8 The Public Relations Coordinator shall be responsible for website updates, newsletter publication, press releases, advertising, brochures, and other materials to be developed subject to the Board's approval, and any other work that falls within the scope of public relations.


Section 9 The Vice President shall serve as parliamentarian and maintain parliamentary procedures as outlined in Robert's Rules of Order. If the By-Laws need revision, this officer, with the assistance of a committee, shall propose such changes for approval by the Board and ratification by the Membership. In the absence of a Vice President, a committee appointed by the Board of Directors will assume this role. The Vice President shall have other duties as assigned by the President or 7 the Board. In the event the President cannot complete a term of office, they shall assume the President's duties for the balance of the term. If deemed necessary by the Board, a new election for Vice President shall be held within ninety (90) days after the change.


Section 10 The Nominating Committee shall consist of two (2) members. One (1) member shall be appointed by the Board of Directors and one (1) member shall be elected by the membership.


Section 11 The Student Representative shall attend chapter meetings and act as a liaison between the Chapter and Drexel University dance/movement therapy students.


Section 12 Chapter officers must submit the following to the National Board at the end of each year as requested: A fiscal report due on July 1, and an annual report due on August 31 consisting of a chapter roster, a list of Board members, and a report of the year’s activities.


Section13 The Multicultural and Diversity Liaison(s) shall be responsible for, but not limited to, providing support and connection to chapter members; serving as a bridge between the PA ADTA Chapter, the Multicultural and Diversity Committee Leadership Team, and the ADTA at large; facilitating connections and support for traditionally underrepresented and culturally diverse members to encourage member recruitment and retention; disseminating diverse perspectives from the MDC to Chapter leadership; encouraging and supporting cultural competency of PA Chapter members.





Section 1 The elected officers (Executive Committee) shall allocate monies required to conduct the business of the Chapter for the following year.


Section 2 The fiscal year shall extend from July 1 to June 30th inclusive. National and Chapter dues must be paid by the annual meeting of the Association or membership rights are forfeited. If a new member joins three months prior to the fiscal year, their dues shall be credited through the end of the following fiscal year.


Section 3 No part of the net earnings of the Chapter shall be used for the benefit of, or to the advantage of, any member, sponsor, donor, trustee, officer, employee or without limitation any other private individuals except as an honorarium awarded by a majority vote of the Executive committee for services rendered to the Chapter. No part of the net earnings shall be used for benefit of any corporation or organization in which any private individual might benefit, or in which a substantial part of the activities of such corporation or organization is carrying out a propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, provided that this restriction shall not prevent payment of reasonable services actually rendered to or for the Chapter in effecting its purpose.


Section 4 A copy of the budget shall be on file with the National Association.





Questions of procedure shall be decided according to Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised unless otherwise provided for in the By-laws.





These By-laws may be amended by vote of the Chapter membership. An affirmative vote equivalent to 2/3 of the votes cast as herein before specified shall be required for amendment. All amendments must be in conformity with the Articles of Incorporation and the By-laws of the Association.





On the dissolution of the Chapter, the elected officers, after paying or making provision for the payments of all liabilities of the Chapter, shall dispose of all its assets exclusively to the Marian Chace Foundation of the American Dance Therapy Association, Inc. which qualifies as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code of 1972 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Laws).


Amended, Spring 1996

Amended, February 2012

Amended, March 2021

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© 2025 Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Dance Therapy Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

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