Most Recent Meeting, 6/4/2020
PA ADTA Board Meeting June 4, 2020 8:00pm EST
In Attendance: Adina Rosenberg (President), Amy Hunter (Treasurer), Lauren Cunkelman (Secretary), Jacelyn Biondo (Programming Coordinator), Rebekka Dieterich-Hartwell (Public Relations), Beth McNamara (Government Relations), Allie Linn (Nominations), Kathryn Lodwick, Sonya Budnovitch, Maria Gismondi, Kaitlyn Clark, Aditi Trivedi
Regrets: Morgan Rakay (Nominations), Dawn Morningstar (MAL)
Opening Remarks:
President thanks Board for communication and charge for action
Public Relations Report:
Rebekka cannot access the chapter Facebook page - tech support
has tried multiple attempts and multiple avenues to regain access
will contact Facebook directly for remedy
Lauren Cunkelman offered to assist if possible
Rebekka is keeping website updated with ADTA shared resources and chapter statement
Government Affairs:
Collaborating with Committee on Approval in review of power of privilege
No direct updates for tonight
President Report:
Discussion around clarifying chapter communications
Jacelyn mentioned including information on clarifying to the membership which Board member handles what responsibilities and contact information to make Board members more easily accessible
This is something to include on the website as well
Conversation occurred around creating separate Gmail accounts for each Board member using a template format to limits
Treasurer already has their own “”
Kathryn Lodwick mentioned that this would make succession planning and information sharing more cohesive and streamlined
Will be stored in the Google Doc with accounts and passwords, Lauren will add a tab for email account information
1.) Monthly E-blast of links, resources, events, etc. (distributed by Lauren)
2.) Newsletter to highlight, inform, further engage members
Historically under PR report
Allie is offering to write a newsletter with a more in-depth focus - this is approved by the Board
3.) ADTA national newsletter submission
Historically PR should create content, Secretary should take notes and disseminate information
MAL should reach out to President who will write a feature or can delegate to another member if necessary
This will be the process moving forward
MDC Liaison
Chapter should locally recruit a MDC liaison who will collaborate with national MDC committee
This person does not currently need to be a member of the MDC, but needs to be willing to join the MDC
Chapter needs to decide if this should be an elected or appointed position
Needs to be addressed in bylaws and bylaws cannot be changed without a membership vote
Jacelyn proposes an appointed position for this reason - Board expressed agreement
Recruits and Interest:
Maria Gismondi offers to be involved, due to previous interest
Call for other interested parties
Board will move forward with determining more candidates and will get approval from Charné Furcron
Secretary can put email out in regards for looking for candidates for an appointed MDC liaison
Diversity and Inclusion
Call for concrete steps for action and moving forward
ADTA action steps (can be seen on social media and communication to members):
Resources: books, websites, articles
Sending letters to leaders and legislators
Ideas for PA ADTA:
Jacelyn has been prioritizing this in programming (trauma panel, multicultural panel)
Jacelyn was still wanting to bring in Ebony Nichols but now is not the time. We are not wanting to ask people of color to do the work or educate white members at this point in time
Very important that she is the next presenter when the time is right
Programming needs to continue to lift up people of color to share their work
Bring in clearly anti-racist resources
Listening space:
Can the PA ADTA chapter offer a listening space for members of color?
ADTA did host this for Black DMT’s on 6/3/2020 and hopes to continue to offer weekly for 90 minutes ongoing
PA ADTA does not want to duplicate events that are currently happening, Jacelyn will continue to keep Adina informed
Secretary could possibly send to chapter members with CLEAR guidelines as to the purpose - can even be sent directly to Black members - can reach out to other Philadelphia DMTs and Drexel Alums
Board members can send names to secretary and secretary needs to gather email addresses for this outreach through website
Aditi suggested a group for members of color as a holding space - worked well while she was in school
Performance club: be more conscious of selecting multiculturally competent performances
Annual Raffle: be more conscious of including black and brown owned businesses in the annual raffle, and also businesses that serve black and brown members
Treasury Report:
Taxes are due in July
Annual report is due in June
Secretary Report:
was covered in newsletter discussion above
Programming Report:
was covered in discussion above
MAL Report:
Not Present
General Membership was dismissed for Board discussion regarding election results.
Nominations Report:
Allie Lin reviewed results from election
Nominations committee will reach out directly to those selected, confirm acceptance
Next Board Meeting: TBA in September